After logging in to KDE for the frst time, you see the KDE desktop, which shows the following basic elements:
Desktop Icons: Click an icon on the desktop to access its associated program or application. With KDE 4, icons appear as widgets that you can tilt, enlarge or minimize. Right-click to open a context menu to access the icon properties, or to remove the icon.
Desktop Context Menu: Right-click an empty area on the desktop to access the context menu for confguring the appearance of the desktop, adding panels or widgets to the desktop, locking the widgets in their current position, or for leaving the current session or locking the screen.
Desktop Toolbox: Move your mouse pointer to the icon in the upper right corner of the desktop to access a menu that lets you confgure desktop widgets. Use Show Dashboard to switch to a desktop view hiding all currently opened windows and panels. To show your windows and panels again, select Hide Dashboard.
KDE Panel: By default, the panel of your KDE desktop consists of the following areas (from left to right): quick launcher with the main menu icon on the left and further program icons, pager (desktop previewer), taskbar, and system tray. You can add or remove icons in the panel and customize the appearance of the panel as well as its location on the desktop. If you hold your mouse pointer over an icon in the panel, a short description is displayed.
Main Menu Button: Use the icon at the far left of the panel to open a menu which holds a search function at the top and several tabs at the bottom. The Applications tab shows all installed programs in a function-oriented menu structure which makes it easy to fnd the right application for your purpose even if you do not know the application names yet.
Pager (Desktop Previewer): Between the quick launcher and the taskbar, fnd a miniature preview that shows your virtual desktops (if not confgured otherwise, they are numbered). openSUSE allows you to organize your programs and tasks on several desktops, which minimizes the number of windows to arrange on the screen (see Section “Using Virtual Desktops”). To switch between desktops, click one of the symbols in the pager.
Taskbar: By default, all started applications and open windows are displayed in the taskbar, which allows you to access any application regardless of the currently active desktop. Click to open the application. Right-click to see options for moving, restoring, or minimizing the window.
System Tray: This rightmost part of the panel usually holds some smaller icons, including the system clock displaying time and date, the volume control, and several other helper applications such as the device notifer, informing you about recently plugged or inserted devices such as USB sticks, external hard disks, cameras, CDs, or DVDs.
Great information but not very reader friendly. conciser breaking it up into manageable paragraphs.